IOS UIPickerView text size and color

Hi, how can i change the text size and text colour of the UIPickerView control from IOSKIT (by Jason King).

short answer… you can’t

and not just a Xojo limitation.

You technically can but it’s difficult. If you want to play with it, you can modify the UIPickerView Multiline class and edit the properties of the textfield returned by its delegate. Although this is likely confusing to users and may get your app rejected since it would look out of the ordinary. I can’t help you with it though because I’m busy.

Thank you for the quick answers.

Looks nice :smiley: Thank you Jean-Paul, i will check it tomorrow @work.

Works well too, thank you.
Im trying to make the rows bigger, so the text can fit into it.

@Jean-Paul Devulder : any chance of reposting the example?