In Xcode preferences/accounts you will find your Apple ID with its Agents.
Clicking the Agent/Details will show your Signing Identities and Provisioning Profiles.
I started all over again, revoking certificates, deleting provisioning profiles and retried.
Not better.
The first issue was that the app was build without error messages (and without dSYM file) but I had an error “No code signature found” when trying to add the app to the iPhone.
Now I have new certificates, new provisioning profiles and Xcode setup, but it’s the build process which give an error “A development profile is required when building an iOS application”.
Where comes this messages from ? Xojo ?
As found in other forum threads I tried removing and re-downloading my Xojo Pro license. Same issue.
I also tried recreating a new project copying all components and changing the bundle identifier. Same issue.
The app is working perfectly in the simulator and I’d like real testings.
I started all over again, revoking certificates, deleting provisioning profiles and retried.
Not better.
The first issue was that the app was build without error messages (and without dSYM file) but I had an error “No code signature found” when trying to add the app to the iPhone.
Now I have new certificates, new provisioning profiles and Xcode setup, but it’s the build process which give an error “A development profile is required when building an iOS application”.
Where comes this messages from ? Xojo ?
As found in other forum threads I tried removing and re-downloading my Xojo Pro license. Same issue.
I also tried recreating a new project copying all components and changing the bundle identifier. Same issue.
The app is working perfectly in the simulator and I’d like real testings.[/quote]
I had the same error message once, but I since forgot what I did to solve it. Search for “No code signature found” (with the quotes). I remember at least one thread where there were solutions.
Thanks Michel, but, as mentioned, the problem now is not “no code signature” anymore but “A development profile is required when building an iOS application”.
I found a few entries in the forum and tried what people suggest but none of them solves the problem.
It’s enough for today. Not sure I’ll try again with this Xojo version.
[quote=159618:@Olivier Colard]Thanks Michel, but, as mentioned, the problem now is not “no code signature” anymore but “A development profile is required when building an iOS application”.
I found a few entries in the forum and tried what people suggest but none of them solves the problem.
It’s enough for today. Not sure I’ll try again with this Xojo version.
Thanks anyway.[/quote]
Sorry, i meant precisely the development profile thing. Anyway, with iOs, nothing is ever simple. Better smell the roses often
Seems the best way is to delete all old iOS certificates in the Member Center and also in the Keychain. Re-create all of them, download and activate. Now run Xcode, which will moan about some problem with the certificate, but also offer to fix it. Worked for me after I tried everything else suggested…
I did the same, ie. deleting all certificates and provisioning profiles a second time, recreated everything a solved the problems first in Xcode.
Finally ok, the build works fine and I can test on a real device.