iOS Icon Template

I don’t have Photoshop, so I can’t use the dozens of PSD files that create Apples SuperEllipse Icon Template

Would somebody out there be willing to make me a set of PNG files in each of the standard sizes?

180, 152, 120, 87, 80, 76, 58, 40 and 29 pixels in size or and 512, 1024 as well :slight_smile:

Right now I am using Drawpicture to rescale one I cut off a webpage, but if I can get them in PNG format from a PSD vector file they would look SO much nicer

[quote=154278:@Dave S]I don’t have Photoshop, so I can’t use the dozens of PSD files that create Apples SuperEllipse Icon Template

Would somebody out there be willing to make me a set of PNG files in each of the standard sizes?

180, 152, 120, 87, 80, 76, 58, 40 and 29 pixels in size or and 512, 1024 as well :slight_smile:

Right now I am using Drawpicture to rescale one I cut off a webpage, but if I can get them in PNG format from a PSD vector file they would look SO much nicer[/quote]

Pixelmator (which is much more reasonably priced) can use PSD files.

So can Preview. Open the PSD in Preview, resize the image (Preview does a very good job), use Cmd-Opt-Shift-S to save as, select PNG and you’re all set.

that is good to know. I didn’t knew Preview could do it. This is why I like hanging around these forums, I learn something new every day, and it is not always Xojo related.

My GA team always give me the 1024x1024 PSD version and let me create the sizes that I need because the icon and other image sizes always seem like moving targets. I learned to love Preview back around OS X 10.3.

I do love Preview and use it a lot, just don’t know all of its power.

[quote=154278:@Dave S]I don’t have Photoshop, so I can’t use the dozens of PSD files that create Apples SuperEllipse Icon Template

Would somebody out there be willing to make me a set of PNG files in each of the standard sizes?

180, 152, 120, 87, 80, 76, 58, 40 and 29 pixels in size or and 512, 1024 as well :slight_smile:

Right now I am using Drawpicture to rescale one I cut off a webpage, but if I can get them in PNG format from a PSD vector file they would look SO much nicer[/quote]

Look on the MAS in the developer section Dave. There are dozens of apps to do just this, most drag and drop, at all price ranges.

Decided to bite the bullet and do one up myself…
from what I can tell all the equations for the inner circles and lines meet Apples design.
The outer RoundRect is a super close approximation, as Apple uses a SuperEllipse

If anyone can adapt the math for a SuperEllipse to this code, PLEASE let me know

This is free for anyone to use, but please keep the comments intact

FUNCTION ios_TEMPLATE(size As Double) As Picture
  // Create a Apple Icon Golden Ratio Template
  // Note : not 100% exact, but pretty dang close
  // Author : R.David S
  //   Date : 22-Dec-2014
  // All math is based on 1024x1024
  Const golden_ratio As Double=1.6180339887
  Dim p As Picture
  Dim g As Graphics
  Dim x As Double
  Dim y As Double
  Dim a As Double
  Dim b As Double
  Dim z As Double
  Dim r As Double
  size=Floor(size) // can't have a fractional icon size
  p=New picture(size,size)
  g.fillrect 0,0,size,size
  // Approximation of RoundRect Radius based on 1024x1024
  // note : this is NOT precise, but as close as I could figue
  g.fillrect 0,0,size,size
  g.FillRoundRect 0,0,size,size, r,r
  g.DrawRoundRect 0,0,size,size, r,r
  // Begin Drawing Lines and Circles
  x=(64/1024)*size ' distance from 0,0 to outer square corner
  // draw diagonal lines
  g.drawline 0,0,size,size
  g.drawline size,0,0,size
  // draw center horizontal/vertical
  g.drawline size/2,0,size/2,size
  g.drawline 0,size/2,size,size/2
  // draw upper/lower horizontal lines
  g.drawline 0,x,size,x
  g.drawline 0,size-x,size,size-x
  // draw left/right vertical lines
  g.drawline x,0,x,size
  g.drawline size-x,0,size-x,size
  // draw outter circle
  g.DrawOval x,x,size-2*x,size-2*x
  // draw inner horizontal lines
  g.drawline 0,y,size,y
  g.drawline 0,size-y,size,size-y
  g.drawline y,0,y,size
  g.drawline size-y,0,size-y,size
  // draw inner circle
  g.DrawOval y,y,size-2*y,size-2*y
  g.drawOval z,z,size-2*z,size-2*z
  Return p

If it’s of any use, my app DevXcentric has an “Icons Toolkit” which creates all the various iOS, OS X and Web Icon sizes, by dropping a file on the drop-spot.

Here is the link, if this helps anyone:
link text

Please forgive the advertisement - I just thought this may help people.