Does anyone know what “File Types” is for in the Build Settings -> iOS Inspector?
When you click the button you get a dialog “Select which file types your application will accept as drops under OS X”… along with an empty list with columns for “Type” and “Role”… and an OK and Cancel button.
[quote=157875:@James Meyer]Does anyone know what “File Types” is for in the Build Settings -> iOS Inspector?
When you click the button you get a dialog “Select which file types your application will accept as drops under OS X”… along with an empty list with columns for “Type” and “Role”… and an OK and Cancel button.
It’s an oversight. The button shouldn’t exist at this point, so please file a bug report.
Once implemented is this going to help me associate a file type/extension with my app? … so that I could email a file to a customer’s iOS device and it would be placed in my app’s sandbox (/Documents/Inbox)?