iOS 8 new filenames?

I understand that since the iPhone 6+ came out, iOS 8 requires new icon sizes of 152x152 and 180x180.
Does anyone know the exact filenames these 2 files need to be called? I can’t seem to find the required filenames anywhere?

Thank you all in advance.

Take a look at the output from the ImageTool in the Extras -> iOS folder in the Xojo 14r3 installation.

Basically, the entire list is:

iPad29.png iPad40.png iPad76.png iPad292x.png // 58x58 iPad402x.png // 80x80 iPad762x.png // 152x152 iPhone29.png iPhone40.png iPhone60.png iPhone293x.png // 87x87 iPhone403x.png // 120x120 iPhone603x.png // 180x180

[quote=151039:@Richard Summers]Hi,
I understand that since the iPhone 6+ came out, iOS 8 requires new icon sizes of 152x152 and 180x180.
Does anyone know the exact filenames these 2 files need to be called? I can’t seem to find the required filenames anywhere?[/quote]

For tab icons, 50x50 is nominal, 100x100 is x2, and 150x150 is x3. Chances are all the icons at now need their x2 and x3 Retina version.

This is what I have for iOS 7:

Icon-72.png (72px)
Icon-72@2x.png (144px)
Icon-Small-50.png (50px)
Icon-Small-50@2x.png (100px)
Icon-Small.png (29px)
Icon-Small@2x.png (58px)
Icon.png (57px)
Icon@2x.png (114px)
ios7_app_icon_ipad.png (76px)
ios7_app_icon_ipad@2x.png (152px)
ios7_app_icon_iphone.png (60px)
ios7_app_icon_iphone@2x.png (120px)
ios7_settings_icon.png (29px)
ios7_settings_icon@2x.png (58px)
ios7_spotlight_icon.png (40px)
ios7_spotlight_icon@2x.png (80px)

The naming convention in Tim’s list looks totally strange??
iPhone603x.png //180x180 ???

I am now totally confused regarding the entire list of filenames and sizes required for iOS 8 :frowning:

Sorry, those are the file names that Xojo expects. The list in the built app is quite different:

AppIcon29x29@2x.png AppIcon29x29@2x~ipad.png AppIcon29x29@3x.png AppIcon29x29~ipad.png AppIcon40x40@2x.png AppIcon40x40@2x~ipad.png AppIcon40x40@3x.png AppIcon40x40~ipad.png AppIcon60x60@2x.png AppIcon60x60@3x.png AppIcon76x76@2x~ipad.png AppIcon76x76~ipad.png iPad29.png iPad40.png iPad76.png iPad292x.png iPad402x.png iPad762x.png iPhone29.png iPhone40.png iPhone60.png iPhone293x.png iPhone403x.png iPhone603x.png

But, I’m not sure of the AppIcon files are all that is needed and the others are just Xojo keeping the original files in the bundle.

Thanks Tim, but even in that list there are no actual sizes?
Hmmm…there seems to be no official list of the complete filenames and accompanying sizes required for iOS8?

If you look at my iOS7 list, there is the exact filename needed, and the actual size (in parenthesis).
I now need the same, but for iOS 8.

The sizes are there. 76x76@2x is actually 152x152 and so on.

And my use of // is a comment character, not part of the file name :).

Tim, so on that assumption, iOS 8 icon sizes should be as follows:

AppIcon29x29@2x.png (58x58)
AppIcon29x29@2x~ipad.png (58x58)
AppIcon29x29@3x.png (87x87)
AppIcon29x29~ipad.png (29x29)
AppIcon40x40@2x.png (80x80)
AppIcon40x40@2x~ipad.png (80x80)
AppIcon40x40@3x.png (120x120)
AppIcon40x40~ipad.png (40x40)
AppIcon60x60@2x.png (120x120)
AppIcon60x60@3x.png (180x180)
AppIcon76x76@2x~ipad.png (152x152)
AppIcon76x76~ipad.png (76x76)
iPad29.png (29x29)
iPad40.png (40x40)
iPad76.png (76x76)
iPad292x.png (58x58)
iPad402x.png (80x80)
iPad762x.png (152x152)
iPhone29.png (29x29)
iPhone40.png (40x40)
iPhone60.png (60x60)
iPhone293x.png (87x87)
iPhone403x.png (120x120)
iPhone603x.png (180x180)

Seems strange that some have @2x, and others just have 2x after the name, as in this example:
iPad292x.png (58x58)

Seems very inconsistent??

[quote=151075:@Richard Summers]Seems strange that some have @2x, and others just have 2x after the name, as in this example:
iPad292x.png (58x58)

Seems very inconsistent??[/quote]
That’s why I suspect that it’s an artifact of the Xojo build process. In other apps, only the files named AppIconXXXXXXXX are there.

Hmmm. Even then, there would be 16 iOS 7 icons and only 12 iOS 8 icons - not even taking into account that iOS 8 requires additional sizes. I would have expected iOS 8 to require MORE than 16???

Check out App Icons on iPad and iPhone

It seems that quite a few are “Optional but recommended”.

Thanks for that Tim.

I have extracted the Universal app filenames and sizes, and they seem to be those listed below:

iTunesArtwork (512x512)
iTunesArtwork@2x (1024x1024)
Icon-60@2x.png (120x120)
Icon-60@3x.png (180x180)
Icon-76.png (76x76)
Icon-76@2x.png (152x152)
Icon-Small-40.png (40x40)
Icon-Small-40@2x.png (80x80)
Icon-Small-40@3x.png (120x120)
Icon-Small.png (29x29)
Icon-Small@2x.png (58x58)
Icon-Small@2x.png (87x87)

Am I correct in assuming that these 12 sizes above, are all that are needed for iOS 7 and iOS 8?
I am asking, as these name are different from iOS 7 filenames.

Therefore I am now not sure if iOS 7 requires my original list, and iOS 8 requires this list, OR, if this list is suitable for both (iOS 7 AND iOS 8) ?

Actually, the names can be whatever you want them to be (so long as the size modifier is included) since you specify them in the app’s Info.plist file.

Really?? So I could call an icon BillboBaggins@2x and the OS would know what it was referring to?

As long as you put them into the plist file in the proper order.