Hello Everyone,
ich created an Interface GenX_SaveLoad:
[code]Interface GenX_SaveLoad
Sub Load(s As BinaryStream)
End Sub
Sub Save(s As BinaryStream)
End Sub
End Interface[/code]
Now i created a Class called GenX_Entity:
[code]Class GenX_Entity
Implements GenX_SaveLoad
Sub Load(s As BinaryStream)
// Part of the GenXSaveLoad interface.
Me.ID = s.ReadInteger
End Sub
Sub Save(s As BinaryStream)
// Part of the GenXSaveLoad interface.
End Sub
ID As Integer = -1
End Class[/code]
Now, i create a Subclass called GenX_Note_Structure:
[code]Class GenX_Note_Structure
Inherits GenX_Entity
Sub Load(s As BinaryStream)
Super.Load(s) // ?
Me.Note = s.ReadString
End Sub
Sub Save(s As BinaryStream)
Super.Save(s) // ?
End Sub
Note As String
End Class[/code]
Now the Question: Is the superclasses call Included automatically? Because GenX_Note_Structure inherited the Interface or do I have to call Super.Load manually?
Thanks for your Answers,