Interest in Multi-Column Combobox?

It didn’t seem to gather much interest so I never made it available.

Never-the-less here are your links. I also included my date picker in the demo project.

Note - not tested/working on Mac.

I probably should sell it, but it would be too much work. If you get any use from it like this post. :slight_smile:

And while I’m giving away stuff check out my stack view.

I have no use for it right now, but I like this post anyway !

Thank you Neil.

I get ‘3 missing files’ warning: CalendarWindow, Common1 and DatePicker

Sorry I think those were shared resources. I’ll fix that when I get back to the office.

Here is a link to the project with the resources made internal.

@Neil Burkholder You Custom ComboBox looks very interesting and i was trying it today. How could you get the other column values in the Change event. Currently it gives you only the TextColumn value

You can access that like this:

value = Me.Cell(Me.ListIndex, DesiredColumn)

I did notice a bug when getting the cell value.


Needs to be changed to:


Yes that fixed the issue. Now another serious issue as the app hard crash without any error if i multiple times click the control and select any value. Its happens randomly some times after few clicks. I am using windows 10 and latest version of xojo. Could you help please.

I couldn’t reproduce that in 2017r3. Is it in the demo project you are seeing that? Did you make any changes that could be causing that?

Yes its with the demo project and i didnt make any changes. Only difference i am using 2018r2. May be you could download the latest xojo and if you dont have the license can run from the IDE itself. It just quit the app without any error showing. So i dont have any clue from where the error is.

@Neil Burkholder In one of your previous post you mentioned the plan to create a subclass of listbox and assign a cell to comboboxpro. Have you achieved this. could you share the code or if not are you willing to sell the code.

@Neil Burkholder is this for Windows only?

I think Windows only.

@Neil Burkholder,
Will there be properties to change Foreground and Background colors that could be changed say in the gotfocus or lostfocus events?

No I have not.

Should have all the same properties and methods as the regular combobox. If you are talking about the date picker you should be able to change the colors.

On Mac there are issues with the popup.

i notice that… and data does not show either…