Is there some interest in fast float extension for LCMS library?
We could add it to our MBS Xojo Images Plugin.
[quote=489508:@Christian Schmitz]Is there some interest in fast float extension for LCMS library?
We could add it to our MBS Xojo Images Plugin.[/quote]
Be careful, Marti is licensing this under GPL3 rather than MIT like the rest of LCMS.
We are already in talk to get a commercial license to include this in MBS Plugins for all developers.
MBS Xojo Images Plugin contains the newer LCMS 2.11 version auth the fast float extension.
We paid the commercial license.
Just call LCMS2MBS.EnableFastFloatExtensions to turn it on.
We found a few little edge cases in beta test, but now it should be fine, so results should be faster with extension, but otherwise provide same results. Please let us know if you see issues.