Integer fields failing on db.AddRow in Windows but works fine in Linex

Hi all, new to Xojo here. If I’m in the right place, pls direct me to where I should post. I’m on a dual boot system, Linux(Manjaro) and Windows 11. I have an application whose database is sqlite. I developed an application in Linux and everything work fine. However, when I copy it over to Windows via Dolphin in Linux, I’m getting these strange database errors.

Here is the database structure:

Here is the respective code:

row.Column(“Bank_ID”) = CheckRegisterMain.BankIDMain.Text.tointeger
row.Column(“Transaction_Number”) = tN.ToInteger
row.Column(“CatID”) = rs.Column(“Category_ID”).IntegerValue
row.Column(“Category”) = rs.Column(“Category_Name”).StringValue
row.Column(“Amount”) = aA
row.Column(“Effective_Amount”) = eA
row.Column(“FrequencyID”) = 1
row.Column(“Period”) = 1
row.Column(“Offset”) = 1

dbTalents.AddRow(“Check_Register_Categories”, row)
Catch error As DatabaseException
MessageBox("DB Error: " + error.Message)
End Try

In windows, there is no database error when this code runs and no error at compile. However, records are created without the Integer fields. Again, this code works fine in Linux. In Windows, records are created with only the Text fields.

Now here is the weird part, if I add the Integer fields as Text, the database is updated properly. Thus, the below code works in Windows but will not compile in Linux. It also doesn’t make sense.

row.Column(“Bank_ID”) = CheckRegisterMain.BankIDMain.Text
row.Column(“Transaction_Number”) = tN
row.Column(“CatID”) = rs.Column(“Category_ID”).IntegerValue.ToString
row.Column(“Category”) = rs.Column(“Category_Name”).StringValue
row.Column(“Amount”) = aA
row.Column(“Effective_Amount”) = eA
row.Column(“FrequencyID”) = “1”
row.Column(“Period”) = “1”
row.Column(“Offset”) = “1”

dbTalents.AddRow(“Check_Register_Categories”, row)
Catch error As DatabaseException
MessageBox("DB Error: " + error.Message)
End Try

Please let me know if you have any thoughts on how to fix this.


Figured it out, didn’t have Windows checked in Build Settings. Once I selected Windows and configured Build Settings then the database was updated correctly. Apologies the the false alarm.