Inspector Issue

It seems I’m having an issue with font changing color within textfield. While in the IDE and go to the text color dropdown. There is a single color (white) listed in the color box. You can’t change or remove that color. You can add colors to the list but everything is ignored. You can’t change from the original white in the first slot. Which means that all the fonts for everything is now white.

What version of macOS are you on. Using macOS Sequoia 14.0.1 I’m seeing a choose colour button when I click the text colour item. Clicking that button allowed me to choose anything I want. Can you show a picture?

Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 18.52.50

I realized afterwards that I didn’t include any xojo and system version info.
System is IMac 27" Intel i5 core with 64 gig ram. Running /Sequoia 15.01

That’s the background, but it works the same. Clicking and letting go provides the “Choose color…” button. When clicked allows colours to be chosen.