Inspector details appear different if save as binary project

Very new to Xojo and returning coder so trying out some of the tutorials, specifically the Task Manager tutorial. I noticed that if saved as a binary project, the Inspector details for Behaviour & Experimental for the Session are ordered differently under Obsolete (replacing Behaviour & Experimental), also the AllowTabOrderWrap property is now made available - see attached comparison screen shot of saved as (text) project & binary project.

Simply creating a web app (no need to add anything), saving as a binary project as well as (text) project, and re-opening them recreates this behaviour. Also, if save as XML, you get the same behaviour as for binary.

I had a look at the Session.xojo_code and it contains AllowTabOrderWrap=True, but it isn’t exposed by the Inspector for this text saved version of the project.

Same for versions 2024 r2.1, 2024r3 & 2024r3.1 (on Windows 11 23H2).

Just wondering if it’s anything to do with my set up or is a minor bug?

You can create an Issue explaining this.
I can’t reproduce on a mac.

Thanks Alberto, wilco.

Well it appears it is a bug (#77750), but sorted with 2024r4.0.