Inputbox equivalent?


Is there an inputbox equivalent from .Net in Xojo?
Couldn’t find it in the docs.


Not that I’m aware of. It’s easy enough to create though. Create a window named winAskOne with a type of modal or sheet dialog and add this method in it:

[code]Function AskOne(Instructions as string, byref initialValue as String) As boolean
stInstructions.text = Instructions
txtValue.text = initialValue


if bReturnValue then
initialValue = txtValue.text

return bReturnValue //True if user pressed OK, false if they pressed cancel
End Function

Then to invoke you just do this:
dim w as new winAskOne
if w.AskOne(“These are my instructions. Type something.”, sInitialValue) then
//User pressed ok. Do what you need here.
//User cancelled. Do what you need here.

We have a 15 minute training video (along with full project code) called “Returning a Value From a Window” for subscribers at

Thanks, is indeed not hard to do. But I assumed there was something build in.

There isn’t
It’s pretty darned simple and usually makes for a not very pleasing UI in the long run (like using Msgbox for a lot of interaction with a user - it’s ok in a few small places but I would not use it widely in code shipped to anyone)

[quote=69455:@Bob Keeney]Not that I’m aware of. It’s easy enough to create though. Create a window named winAskOne with a type of modal or sheet dialog and add this method in it:

[code]Function AskOne(Instructions as string, byref initialValue as String) As boolean
stInstructions.text = Instructions
txtValue.text = initialValue


if bReturnValue then
initialValue = txtValue.text

return bReturnValue //True if user pressed OK, false if they pressed cancel
End Function

Then to invoke you just do this:
dim w as new winAskOne
if w.AskOne(“These are my instructions. Type something.”, sInitialValue) then
//User pressed ok. Do what you need here.
//User cancelled. Do what you need here.

We have a 15 minute training video (along with full project code) called “Returning a Value From a Window” for subscribers at[/quote]

One little question, bReturnValue, how changes that in this proces?

The buttons on the dialog. OK/Save button sets it to true. Cancel makes it false. Both buttons set the window.visible property to false.

Here is an example of how I do it


Thanks Mr Keeney and Mr Schneider