Input field strange list on escape press

Hello Guys,

This is the first thing when the customer asks me the strange behaviour of the input fields and i wanted to check with you if that`s a xojo bug or another apple surprise ,

So on xojo 2015 R2.1 you create a new project

You add any input field, like text field , text area, combo box and drop them on the form , run the project and press one of the field and then just press Esc key on the keyboard and you will get a list with I, The, You I`m and so on.

that is a bug or a new feature and i wanted to know if there is a way to remove that from the fields.

Thanks .

[quote=184697:@Aurelian Negrea]that is a bug or a new feature and i wanted to know if there is a way to remove that from the fields.


Looks like a nice feature. When some text is entered, the list will attempt to complete it.

If you want to suppress it, just add that :

Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(27) then return true end if End Function

coming from the operating system in OSX