Include WAV file in IDE then add its NAME to a PopUp

Looking to see if this is possible.

This is on a desktop app.

I have sound files (WAV) that I have included by dragging in a folder named ‘Sounds’ into the IDE. So there is now a folder named Sounds that has those WAV files. What I would like to do is add the name of each WAV sound file into a PopUp so I could select that sound to be played when a timer ends.

Is there a way to accomplish that?

Cycle through the folder inside Special.ApplicationData and add the FileName (without extension) to the popup menu and add the NativePath as the RowTag. When the popup SelectionChanged Event fires, read the RowTag into a FolderItem, then Play the sound.

@David_Cox - thanks for replying

In the Open Event I have the following code

Var f As FolderItem
f = SpecialFolder.ApplicationData
If f <> Nil Then
  For Each file As FolderItem In f.Children
    If file = Nil Then
      // inaccessible
    End If
    Var filename(-1) As String = file.Name.Split(".")
    Sound_CB.AddRow filename(0)
    Sound_CB.RowTagAt(Sound_CB.LastAddedRowIndex) = file.NativePath
  MessageBox("There is no Application Data Sounds folder on this computer.")
End If

When completed there is a list of files (In my instance on a MAC) of items however none of them are the sound files I have in a folder in the Contents area of the IDE named ‘Sounds’

I have modified to add XOJO to see if there is anything in there and nothing is visible.

f = SpecialFolder.ApplicationData.Child("XOJO")

Not certain where to look while debugging and also have this be correct when complied. Any thoughts?

Files dragged into the IDE will be located in SpecialFolder.Resources when your application is running.

RowTags are variants and sounds are objects, this can be done without FolderItems.

Sub Open() Handles Open
  me.RowTagAt(me.LastAddedRowIndex) = activate_wav
  me.RowTagAt(me.LastAddedRowIndex) = click_wav
End Sub
Sub Change() Handles Change
  if me.SelectedRowIndex < 0 then return
  var oTag as Variant = me.RowTagAt(me.SelectedRowIndex)
  if oTag isa Sound then
End Sub
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@Jared_Feder - Thanks

Background: As a base I used @GarryPettet stopwatch desktop application then modified it to include sound files. I have been looking to integrate an internal count down timer into a Science Olympiad application I developed a few years ago that measures time between two points using lasers.

So in Open I do this

mWatch = New StopWatch

Var f As FolderItem
f = SpecialFolder.Resources

If f <> Nil Then
  For Each file As FolderItem In f.Children
    If file = Nil Then
      // inaccessible
    End If
    Var filename(-1) As String = file.Name.Split(".")
    Sound_CB.AddRow filename(0)
    Sound_CB.RowTagAt(Sound_CB.LastAddedRowIndex) = file.NativePath
  MessageBox("There is no Resource folder on this computer.")
End If

Then inside Timer this

If mWatch = Nil Then Return

If Not mWatch.IsRunning Then Return

If ProgressBar1.Value < ProgressBar1.MaximumValue Then
  ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 1
  ProgressBar1.Value = 0
  ButtonStop.Enabled = False
  ButtonStart.Enabled = True
  ButtonReset.Enabled = True
  ProgressBar1.Enabled = False
  Minutes_CB.Enabled = True
  Seconds_CB.Enabled = True
  Var f As New FolderItem( Sound_CB.RowTagAt(Sound_CB.SelectedRowIndex), FolderItem.PathModes.Native)
  If f <> Nil And f.Exists Then
    Var SoundToPlay As Sound 
    SoundToPlay = SoundToPlay.Open(f)

Works pretty good. I will now integrate into the Science Olympiad laser timer app. Thanks to everyone in this thread especially @GarryPettet for his application, @David_Cox for the main solution to read these sound files and @Jared_Feder for the correct folder location

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