In App Purchase assistance

+1 on that Michel!
I have almost all of Christians Plugins, but never use them due to being too complex.

The plugins are fantastic, and cover most things that a dev would probably need, but there is definitely a need for novice friendly instructions. I know that would be a mammoth job, but in the end, it makes for a much more usable product.

Totally agree with Michel’s statement above.

This is by no means meant to be negative, as Christian does an excellent job, and ALWAYS tries to help!
It’s just that sometimes it is easy to forget that others may not be as knowledgeable (which is actually a compliment for Christian) :slight_smile:

Yes, please. Excellent idea. Step by step instructions is what is most lacking in the world of development !

+1 Valdemar as I would like to implement this in my MAS app.

Thank you!! :slight_smile:

We’ll if Valdemar has it working, that’s a start.

I’m going to go back to my Objective-C application first. I wrote it following Apple’s In-App-Putchase guide. I have a feeling in my tummy that it might the provisioning profile.

Well my tummy was right! Tried the objective-C application and it didn’t work, used Xcode to refresh all my certificates and bingo - it works in Objective-C and so it does with Christian’s MBS!

The biggest headache with Apple’s online services is the provisioning profiles, if you use Xcode these are configured for you (and should be installed correctly), without it seems there is some hassle. Maybe I had a conflicts? I don’t know.

Now I’d like to know how well it works with MBS - I know you’ve authenticated but can you do everything? Is it as fully flexible as the native API? Are the same OS versions supported? Yosemite? Same questions with GameCenter and iCloud. (I realize you might not have the answers to all these questions, but these are the things I’m wondering).

As I said, it was working and then it stopped working - now it’s apparently working again but I haven’t time to play with it and if I’m to be an MBS subscriber, I’d like to know the level of support - getting me to test stuff that might or might not be working isn’t what I’m looking for. Again, YMMV.[/quote]

To be fair, Apple have made the process a lot simpler than it was a couple of years ago.

So far, I can purchase products and restore products.

Don’t know, I’ve not looked further than getting the basics done at the moment.

I would imagine so.

I can’t test it at the moment, because I don’t have Xcode installed on my 10.10 machine and therefore I don’t have the provisioning profiles configured and installed. However it displays the products and get their information.

Haven’t done anything with iCloud, I helped Ben out a bit (the App Wrapper side) with Game Center and found that the frigging provisioning profiles caused me a headache there too.

Well the only way you’ll be in charge is to write your own code. In the past Christian has been very helpful with his plugins.

As long as you use Xcode to make your applications, yeah sure… For the rest of us…

The plugin wraps the API from Apple. With some convenience things to make live easier.

Same as GameCenter or iCloud. Things worked when implemented and tested.

[quote=122746:@Christian Schmitz]The plugin wraps the API from Apple. With some convenience things to make live easier.

Same as GameCenter or iCloud. Things worked when implemented and tested.[/quote]
I’ll take another look at your plugin for these tasks, Christian.

My test was done with MBS plugins and it work with 10.7.5 and more, including 10.10 DP6

I am using Christian’s IAP stuff and happily sell my app on the App store, fwiw.

What would be helpful though is if the plugin provided a way to validate an IAP.

@Maximilian: I think Apple’s way is to call restoreCompletedTransactions and see which IAPs you get.

The plugin wraps the framework completely, so all the features are there.

What I meant was this: it would be helpful if the plugin provided a way to validate an IAP has been done by parsing the receipt. Apple provides an online web service for this, but it’s pretty slow. But apparently this can also be done locally, and it would be cool if the plugin knew how. Hope that makes it clearer.

I could look into that.

I second this, I think it would be very helpful.

I added plugin classes for checking receipt and in-app purchases.
This will be included with next plugin prerelease.
(or email me if you want to play with it on the weekend)

Just want to add, that my IAP application was rejected because I was not evaluating the receipt when the application was launched. It’s been resolved and now the application is available for purchase :slight_smile:

Is that using my new classes?

Not at the moment.