Images now have generic icon?

Images in my iOS project that I’ve added since 2015r3 have a generic icon in the project explorer within the IDE. Previously added images have an icon representing the image. Is this a deliberate change or a bug?

OK just had another look and I can see that each new image supports the 3 retina sizes in one image. That’s nice. But what about my existing images? Can they be converted or left the way they are?

OK me again. It looks like image sets now apply to all images. I thought these only applied to the app icon images.

My question is: do I have to convert all my images into an image set? It looks as if Xojo is backwards-compatible with the previous @2x/@3x naming convention for existing, non-AppIcon images…

R3 basically brings your old images as “pictures” - single resolution items

They’re still usable as is - you dont have to convert them to an image if you dont want

Adding an “image” gives you a new multi resolution image that you can still use by name in your project just like you always could with a picture - but it selects the right one depending on the device

That said IF you add images with all the resolutions you wont be able to open it in an old version since that old version has no clue about what an Image is

Thanks Norman. Prior to r3 I added “Map_Icon”, “Map_Icon@2x” and “Map_Icon@3x” images to my project, referred to them as “Map_Icon” in my code, and Xojo would select the correct one based on the device. It seems to still be doing that for these older pictures. I just wanted to check that I’m right about that. If not, I’ll spend the time to convert them now.