If something is deprecated, then remove it please.

ContainerControl1.EmbedWithin and ContainerControl1.EmbedWithinPanel do not exist according to the debugger. So, my question is, why can’t it be removed from the IDE so it won’t cause confusion?

Even the example code returns the “Item does not exist” highlighting the “Embed” function.

The point is to make you aware that it will be removed so you should update the code at your earliest convenience. Or alternatively, keep using that version of Xojo to compile that particular app.

EmbedWithin and EmbedWithInPanel most definitely exist - neither is deprecated
The IDE makes extensive use of those

Try this
Create a new desktop project
Add a Container Control to the project (note it gets named ContainerControl1)
Put a button or something visual on it (doesn’t really matter what)
Now add the Open Event to the default window (Window1)

dim c as new ContainerControl1 c.EmbedWithin self , 10 , 10
Hit run

[quote=38467:@Norman Palardy]EmbedWithin and EmbedWithInPanel most definitely exist - neither is deprecated
The IDE makes extensive use of those

Try this
Create a new desktop project
Add a Container Control to the project (note it gets named ContainerControl1)
Put a button or something visual on it (doesn’t really matter what)
Now add the Open Event to the default window (Window1)

dim c as new ContainerControl1 c.EmbedWithin self , 10 , 10
Hit run[/quote]

Thanks. Still used to doing things the other way I guess.

What “other way” ?

I believe I know the possible confusion here. It’s probably something like:

#tag Window
Begin ContainerControl ContainerControl1
   AcceptFocus     =   False
   AcceptTabs      =   True
   AutoDeactivate  =   True
   BackColor       =   &cFFFFFF00
   Backdrop        =   0
   Compatibility   =   ""
   Enabled         =   True
   EraseBackground =   True
   HasBackColor    =   False
   Height          =   300
   HelpTag         =   ""
   InitialParent   =   ""
   Left            =   0
   LockBottom      =   False
   LockLeft        =   False
   LockRight       =   False
   LockTop         =   False
   TabIndex        =   0
   TabPanelIndex   =   0
   TabStop         =   True
   Top             =   0
   Transparent     =   True
   UseFocusRing    =   False
   Visible         =   True
   Width           =   300
#tag EndWindow

#tag Window
Begin Window Window1
   BackColor       =   &cFFFFFF00
   Backdrop        =   0
   CloseButton     =   True
   Compatibility   =   ""
   Composite       =   False
   Frame           =   0
   FullScreen      =   False
   HasBackColor    =   False
   Height          =   400
   ImplicitInstance=   True
   LiveResize      =   True
   MacProcID       =   0
   MaxHeight       =   32000
   MaximizeButton  =   False
   MaxWidth        =   32000
   MenuBar         =   1090235446
   MenuBarVisible  =   True
   MinHeight       =   64
   MinimizeButton  =   True
   MinWidth        =   64
   Placement       =   0
   Resizeable      =   True
   Title           =   "Untitled"
   Visible         =   True
   Width           =   600
   Begin PushButton PushButton1
      AutoDeactivate  =   True
      Bold            =   False
      ButtonStyle     =   "0"
      Cancel          =   False
      Caption         =   "OK"
      Default         =   True
      Enabled         =   True
      Height          =   20
      HelpTag         =   ""
      Index           =   -2147483648
      InitialParent   =   ""
      Italic          =   False
      Left            =   120
      LockBottom      =   False
      LockedInPosition=   False
      LockLeft        =   True
      LockRight       =   False
      LockTop         =   True
      Scope           =   0
      TabIndex        =   0
      TabPanelIndex   =   0
      TabStop         =   True
      TextFont        =   "System"
      TextSize        =   0.0
      TextUnit        =   0
      Top             =   139
      Underline       =   False
      Visible         =   True
      Width           =   80
   Begin ContainerControl1 ContainerControl2
      AcceptFocus     =   False
      AcceptTabs      =   True
      AutoDeactivate  =   True
      BackColor       =   &cFFFFFF00
      Backdrop        =   0
      Enabled         =   True
      EraseBackground =   True
      HasBackColor    =   False
      Height          =   300
      HelpTag         =   ""
      InitialParent   =   ""
      Left            =   257
      LockBottom      =   False
      LockedInPosition=   False
      LockLeft        =   True
      LockRight       =   False
      LockTop         =   True
      Scope           =   0
      TabIndex        =   1
      TabPanelIndex   =   0
      TabStop         =   True
      Top             =   22
      Transparent     =   True
      UseFocusRing    =   False
      Visible         =   True
      Width           =   300
#tag EndWindow

#tag Events PushButton1
	#tag Event
		Sub Action()
		  ContainerControl2.EmbedWithin self  // OK. Control instantiated inside the window
		  ContainerControl1.EmbedWithin self  // Error. Editor auto-completed, but this is invalid.
		End Sub
	#tag EndEvent
#tag EndEvents