IE 11 Not Supported?

I have been developing a Web app using 2015 2.2 on my Mac, and went to test the stand-alone Windows compiled version on IE 11 and I get a "Browser Not supported error. Is there potentially something I’m doing wrong, or is IE really not supported?

Thank you,

You can override this behavior

[quote=207900:@Norman Palardy]You can override this behavior
You’ll want to implement the AllowUnsupportedBrowser event.

I don’t know what happened, but here, I compiled on Mac a Standalone app for Windows, moved it to Windows, and IE 11 connects very nicely to it.

Would you have modified the User-Agent line ?

There is some strange behaviour going on. When I compile this as a stand-alone app and run it on my OS X devices, I do not get this error. When I compile this as a stand-alone app (on my OS X) and run it on my Windows 2012 R2 server, I get this error.

Is this a defect that should be reported or as I mentioned earlier, is there something I’m doing wrong.


When it’s working on OS X, does IE11 work fine or is it that you’re using a different browser in that case?

I’m using IE11 on the same machine (physically separate from both OS X/windows 2012 R2 physical machines) for all the tests. It is working fine when loading the version running on OS X, but brings up the “choose another browser” error when running on Windows Server 2012 R2.

Another interesting oddity is that when using the fix from above (Norman’s suggestion), I loose some of my style elements when it loads. The background style does not work.

I’ve recompiled and recopied the code to the Windows server thinking that maybe something went wrong in that process. Same results occurred.

Guess it is time to submit a bug, because this does not make any sense.


Please file a bug report in Feedback with all this data and we’ll get it looked at.

Is there a trick to submitting a bug? I downloaded the feedback software, and logged in, but the “Create New Case” option is greyed out. FYI…I’m using the edmontonspace account.


[quote=208263:@Robert Litchfield]Is there a trick to submitting a bug? I downloaded the feedback software, and logged in, but the “Create New Case” option is greyed out. FYI…I’m using the edmontonspace account.


Enter your case title and search first, and after that you will be able to create a case.

Ahhhh… That is not obvious from your UI. Submitting it now.


I submitted this on Aug 19, 2015 at 3:09 PM, and it is still in the “Needs Review” state. At what point will this get looked at?

Thank you,

Sorry, this is the case I wanted to link in: <>

Yes Thom, that is the case. Guess I should have linked it in my message…sorry about that.


Turns out that this has already been fixed. I’ve marked the case as such.

Indeed no problem under Windows 10 for IE 11 with an app generated by 2015R2.4.

This is good news…thank you. :slight_smile: