IDE Pasting with the keyboard in the Dynamic Constants editor unreliable

42833 - IDE Pasting with the keyboard in the Dynamic Constants editor unreliable
Status: Needs Review Rank: Not Ranked Product: Xojo Category: N/A

Michel Bujardet Today at 12:31 PM
OS: OS X 10.11.4

Xojo: Xojo 2015r4.1

Steps: I just spent a while pasting values in the dynamic constants editor. Pasting with the keyboard does not work reliably.

Sometimes it works, other times has to right click/paste.

Expected Result:
Cmd-V pastes the value of the constant

Actual Result:
Sometimes nothing happens

Use the menu or right click menu.


I just spent quite a while in that editor, it would be real nice if keyboard paste was reliable. It would be far faster.

Having a multilingual app, I struggle with this constantly. I’m on 2015r1.

For multilingual apps, it is really a productivity killer.

It seems to be a Mac issue only. Pasting with the keyboard seems to work just fine in Windows.

That could be a workaround if you have a lot of messages.

I just hope Norman finds the time to fix this.