IDE not reporting error when "Copy Files" is missing a file

I just did a “run” in the latest IDE and the app crashed hard because it was missing a file. That file should have been copied by a Build Step. However, it turns out that the original file that should have been copied is not present.

Now, I think that the Run command should have been aborted because of the missing file for the Copyfiles build step. But it didn’t. Same when I do a “Build”.

Is this a known issue? I’m surprised to be the first to run into this, but I can’t find a feedback report on this.

I know I’ve mentioned it to Norman before and IIRC the issue is known but only he can confirm that. I wish it threw a compile error.

Thanks for confirming it. Reported: <>

The “compile” - taking your source code & building an app - is done by the time you get to the copy file steps
Copy File steps are basically “post processing” that you’ve added

Strictly speaking the compile succeeded, so you ended up getting to the post compile steps, and the overall “Build” failed.
And there’s not a nice way to report this build failure at present.

There is work being done on the entire build process the IDE uses but its not ready for the world yet.
And it does have the notion of “compile succeeded but build failed” which the current one doesn’t.

I know I have reported this, but I can’t find the Feedback issue either. Annoying problem. At least an error message would be good.

Edit: Of course, I wasn’t looking at feature requests. Sigh…

Norman, I did not use the term “compile” because I know the difference. (though, in layman’s terms, the build process also compiles stuff :wink:

What you describe comes across as a lame excuse, though: E.g., if one of my scripts fails, I simply show a Msgbox with the “print” command, even though that, too, does not stop the build process, at least I get to see a message telling me that I can’t use that build. At least THAT could be easily done with this CopyFiles problem as well, as long as there’s no way to abort the internal build process with an error.

[quote=281135:@Norman Palardy]The “compile” - taking your source code & building an app - is done by the time you get to the copy file steps
Copy File steps are basically “post processing” that you’ve added[/quote]
It is semantics. When I hit the build button I need any errors, whether that be in source code or post build stuff, to tell me when something doesn’t work.