I like to be prepared

Can’t wait to see everyone next week!

I will miss you guys (and gals). I wish I could be there. I will be there in spirit.

We’ll miss you too! Hope to see you at the next one! We’ll tweet lots of updates! :slight_smile:

Please do. Many of us will be watching from afar.

And Hopefully XDC wont be Q4 next year. To increase chances of coming.

Thanks!! Have fun!

@Paul Lefebvre I’m jealous you get to travel so light!

Geez dana you should have said so
I’d have brought my truck down :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=289320:@Norman Palardy]Geez dana you should have said so
I’d have brought my truck down :P[/quote]

she might need a U-Haul…

a small uhaul fits IN the bed of my truck
Its a 2014 F350 Super Duty crew cab with long box
or as the wife refers to it “The BFT” (big f*ing truck)

Oh gee I should have called you on Wednesday when I needed my smartcar towed.
It only took 8 hours to get someone who knew how to tow it…

I’d just be getting there now if I left Weds :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sad that I’ll miss this one. Maybe next year. Meow!

right state wrong city for meow :slight_smile:

See you guys and greetings from Frankfurt Airport.

Now over greenland :slight_smile:

Meow is always a Meow no matter where the Meow is.

@Paul Lefebvre Nice computer bag. I have one just like it, unfortunately it will just travel with me to and from work, and not to Austin. :’(