I give up - back to Xojo.

I have given up looking for a decent solution to Xojo. Xojo is probably the best and easiest choice to build cross-platform “framework-less” apps, at least for the desktop. So, here’s an apology for “bashing” Xojo. (Though I’m not oblivious to it’s flaws anymore)

Question about iOS: Will Xojo have iOS 8 extensions support?

Question about the Xojo language: is it possible to do .net string formatting like MyString.ToString("[b]X6[/b]")

  1. It’s not sure what iOS support will offer exactly.
  2. We’d love to see styled text class for the web edition. But there is no such parser built in.

Not sure what you mean by this ?

Attributed strings - not at this time

[quote=103710:@Shane Gibbs]Question about iOS: Will Xojo have iOS 8 extensions support?

Question about the Xojo language: is it possible to do .net string formatting like MyString.ToString(“X6”)[/quote]

I bet as soon as Xojo iOS will be out, some brilliant members of this forum will post declare examples including eventual extensions. That said, if the said extensions are not supported by iOS 7, it could be a dicy decision to use them in a commercial product.

I tried to look for your String.ToString format provider example on msdn to see what it does but did not find it. You can always devise a ToString(in as string, format as string) as string Xojo method that does string conversion in a similar syntax.

[quote=103717:@Norman Palardy]Not sure what you mean by this ?

I assume he means this: http://arstechnica.com/apple/2014/06/explaining-ios-8s-extensions-opening-the-platform-while-keeping-it-secure/

Leaving Xojo and extensions aside, the majority of iOS devices will be on iOS 8 within about… 45 minutes of release.

Sure. But Murphy’s law is such that you will still get angry support requests from the grouchy users who did not like iOS 8 and did not upgrade …

Or those that cannot update - like users of the iPhone 4 like me :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not willing to assume anything
“Supporting” is a vague word and could be anything from creating them to just consuming them and who knows what else.

Which is why you set a minimum OS version of iOS 8 from the start. You don’t need the hassle of supporting an old platform that a tiny minority of iOS users are going to be on by the end of the year.

You do as you please, but if I can, I rather sell to a max of users. From user feedback on the MAS, I know I would loose business from limiting my apps to Mavericks. A buck is a buck, and unless an app absolutely require the latest features, it looks a bit inconsequent to dump customers outright.

Maybe you would on the Mac but around 92 % of iOS users are on 7 atm. Very few use of iOS who can upgrade don’t.

If 92% of iOS users have upgraded from iOS6 to iOS7 (and that was a major OS upgrade, at least UI wise), then those very same users will most likely upgrade from iOS7 to iOS 8, as that upgrade will be a relatively minor one in comparison.

Just my 2 pennies worth :slight_smile:

Make-up posts are the best posts!!!

[quote=103790:@Richard Summers]If 92% of iOS users have upgraded from iOS6 to iOS7 (and that was a major OS upgrade, at least UI wise), then those very same users will most likely upgrade from iOS7 to iOS 8, as that upgrade will be a relatively minor one in comparison.
The move to iOS 8 only drops support for the iPhone 4 as far as I can tell

Whats not known is what percentage of all iOS 7 devices are iPhone 4’s
hmmmm my suspicion that it might be small might be very incorrect (although it’s hard to tell)
Each carrier reports fairly high % of 4/4s users

I suppose we’ll see when iOS 8 lands

Between 2007 and 2009 there where 41,152,350 iPhone sold. Admitting sales remained the same (I know they did not), that is an installed base of 122,000,000 units. So if effectively 92% users upgrade, the remaining 8% is roughly 9,760,000 units. Not exactly peanuts. I would certainly not call close to 10 million users “very few”.

My point was not to say that iOS 8 only apps where not good ; if an app does require communicating with other apps, thats fine. But if the app does not require iOS 8 extensions, why bump iOS 7 customers ? Windows has had OLE for quite a while, yet far from all apps use it.

I was simply saying that if Robert’s figure of 92% is correct - then the vast majority will (possibly) become iOS 8 users.
Yes I totally agree - 10 million users is a lot of potential customers to not cater for!

If a developer want’s to cater for the largest possible user base - then they need to make their app compatible with the lowest common denominator.

If their app uses all the latest gizmos - then make an iOS 8 only app.

Simples :slight_smile:

Call me mercenary, I do not feel like missing sales for about the same number of units as the Mac sales for one year. Only when my apps will be in the iTunes store will I be able to assert their potential, but until then, this discussion maybe academic.

I found a few statistics of interest :

Now I agree the vast majority of users who can will upgrade to iOS 8 when it becomes available, as any iTune connexion will prompt them to.

[quote=103863:@Richard Summers]I was simply saying that if Robert’s figure of 92% is correct - then the vast majority will (possibly) become iOS 8 users.
Yes I totally agree - 10 million users is a lot of potential customers to not cater for![/quote]

92 5, with 51 was the number released at the WWDC , the Mac number was 51 % on 10.9 with that expected to rise to between 70 - 80 % before 10.10 ships. Apples policy of supporting only the last two system releases, is no doubt responsible for the high upgrade level among its users.

Upgrade numbers that must make Microsoft green with envy lol.

No doubt soon after iOS 8 ships apps will have to be optimized for it to get approved for the app store.

damn typo… should start with.

92 % was the number…

(Editing post is disabled?)