I am unemployed for two years but Xojo’m working as my own boss.
XOJO means the opportunity to create one application that run on 8 stores at the same time sync all with PostgreSQL.
For the first time i make some Money with VB6.0 i never make more the 2000.00 for one application with Xojo i make $10,000 so i am happy with all the problems and frustration but is now Running Perfect.
I pay some money to Xojo for update and the Xojo Pro and some plug-in and Valentina Reports.
All this is done with all the help of all user on RB/Xojo
Being your own boss can be rewarding but can also be nerve wracking. Besides the uncertainties and long hours, you not only have to have good creativity and codeing skills, but also good business and sales skills. That is a lot!
I don’t have that combination of abilities, but that is a fantasy of mine that keeps me renewing!