HtmlViewer Scrolling

Hello, I need know if there’s a way to remove the lag when scrolling in a page in HtmlViewer.(I’m using Mac) Thanks in advance.

I haven’t seen any lag with scrolling here. What website are you loading into the viewer, and what are your computer stats?

When i use safari, there’s no lag, but in the HtmlViewer yes.

I try with, and there’s lag too

You cannot scroll on the google main page…

You can if you make the window small enough :wink:

Federico what are your computer stats and Xojo version?
Do you have video of the lag so we can see?

I’m using Xojo Release 2015 2.2 and this is my computer.

I will record the video now

[quote=203268:@Tim Parnell]You can if you make the window small enough :wink:

Federico what are your computer stats and Xojo version?
Do you have video of the lag so we can see?[/quote]
Here is the video

I’ve just tested and had no issues with it (and my computer is significantly less powerful than yours)
Is your app doing other things in the background? That could affect process time for the HTML Viewer


Yes, i have a timer checking the theme and the favicon icon, but nothing more. Well i Will see, Thanks a lot!

Just turn off that timer and see what happens. If that is the issue, then you want to check less often.

Yes, is the part of the checking the theme makes the lag. But I create an app with only a HtmlViewer and all the objects that don’t move in the page, for example, in my web page the Header that is static, It has lag.

Xojo apps aren’t multi-threaded, they can’t do simultaneous calculations. One calculation will take away from the others, so checking things with a timer will take away from it’s ability to scroll smoothly.

Yeah, now i knows, but thanks! I am doing this check with other format, so now i don’t have lag. Thanks a lot!