I thought it was an awesome idea but too short notice for me to attend. How did it go? Will there be another one?
I think not enough people had enough notice.
It was a nice casual chat with other Xojo users though! Hopefully next time we’ll have a little more notice and more people can join in.
We had about 7 people or so. Talked for about 70 minutes on various topics. Xojo was discussed, Raspberry Pi, the Bose headphones I’m using, other stuff I’m forgetting.
I’ll be doing this again in February and March. Dates and times are here: http://www.xojo.com/support/webinar.php
Also, don’t forget next Thursday (Jan 26) at 2pm Eastern is the Virtual Xojo User Group meeting.
Sounds like it was well received. I hope to join in the future.
too bad that what you call “Lunch” is what others call “breakfast” or “midnight snack”
I enjoyed rubbernecking at your lunch today.
I think Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying “Better to be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt”.
That’s MY story and I’m sticking with it…
I would appreciate a calendar link for iCal to subscribe or ics files for each event to add to calendar.
So I don’t mess up with time zones or forget the link to click.