How to session

I have a question about the web version of Xojo.
How can I identify users when multiple people are accessing the site?
I would like to know how to achieve the equivalent of a php session function in Xojo.
Could you give me some hints, such as “It’s written here in the documentation”?
Thank you in advance.


I’ve found WebSession — Xojo documentation

Here, I see, you’ve got info about sessions. Later, such as controlling sessions per user, you can use some methods as per WebApplication — Xojo documentation


Thank you.
So you mean WebSession and not session.
I’ll check the page you told me about.
Thank you.

…using “session” as the way you hold information about one single user, and are available to all pages in one application not as the way you see Xojo’s app session like the one controlled on Linux with the command top (used to show the Linux processes)


Thank you.
This is very helpful.
Is there any sample code somewhere that I can use?

My prefered!


Thank you.
I see it was in Sample Apps.
I was only looking for Platforms.
This is very helpful.
I’ll study it.

arigato gozaimasu!
