How to right align a column in a Web 2.0 weblistbox?

Suggestions on the best way to right align a column in a web 2.0, weblistbox ?

Many thanks

the only way I’ve found is to make my own websdkuicontrol and have a perfect bootstrap table element that I can modify the way I want.
I can set the witdh os a column even if it has been filled with a webdatasource (which I dont use btw),
I can also set the witdh of each column.
I even will soon be able to have draggable rows…

The WebListBoxStyleRenderer class will do the trick. Here is an example assuming your have a WebListBox with 3 columns, add this code to its Opening event:

Var centeredStyle As New WebStyle
centeredStyle.Value("text-align") = "center"

Var rightAlignStyle As New WebStyle
rightAlignStyle.Value("text-align") = "right"

Me.AddRow("Left", "", "")
Me.CellValueAt(Me.LastAddedRowIndex, 1) = New WebListBoxStyleRenderer(centeredStyle, "Centered")
Me.CellValueAt(Me.LastAddedRowIndex, 2) = New WebListBoxStyleRenderer(rightAlignStyle, "Right")

If you want to create more advanced cells, you can use the generic WebListBoxCellRenderer. A tutorial can be found here:

Part 1: A Deep Dive into Custom Cell Renderers, Part I – Xojo Programming Blog
Part 2: A Deep Dive into Custom Cell Renderers, Part II – Xojo Programming Blog

Hope this helps!


please note that this will not work if you use the webdatasource in conjunction with the weblistbox.

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In that case, you can achieve it with some CSS.

  1. Add the class to the control you want to modify:
For i As Integer = 0 To 10
  Me.AddRow("Foo", "Bar", "Baz")

Me.ExecuteJavaScript("$('#" + Me.ControlID + "').addClass('rightAlignExample')")
  1. Add this CSS to your App’s HTML Header section:
.rightAlignExample td:nth-child(2) {
  text-align: right;

The result: