How to reposition object at run time?

Hello all.
Is there a way to reposition objects at run time? I do this in desktop applications, along with allowing the user to turn on/off controls making them visible or not
then saving their new position in a database. This allows the user to set up the screen however they want. In addition.

Is there a way to do this for a web application? If so any sample/example code would be appreciated. I did look t the drag and drop, but in my case, I am dragging and stopping. Not dropping into a receiving object.


Not easily. The problem is that all mouse events have to be sent to the server for processing, so it would be inherently too slow. The only solution would be to do this completely on the browser, but the framework doesn’t support that.

HI Greg.
Well what would happen if the entire page, or say half the page was a receiving container. Can it be moved around within a container? I did not look at the drag and drop example for that specifically just happened to think of it.


I’ll just say maybe. The only way I can see this working is if you put a canvas in the background. Keep in mind though that other controls will interfere, so it may not be optimal. We just didn’t design for allowing this behavior.

Thanks Greg.
