How to refresh SMTP subclass controls?

Hello Everyone,

Is there a way to refresh a subclassed SMTPSecureSocket control rather than save the project, quit Xojo, and restart Xojo with the project in Windows?

Here is an example:

  1. Create a new desktop project in Windows 8.1
  2. drag and drop a TCPSocket to Window1
  3. Change the super to SMTPSecureSocket. The subclassed socket ‘should’ change to offer more control option, but shows the a few categories in ID, Position, and Behavior headers on the control inspector of the Xojo IDE.
  4. Save the project (call it test).
  5. Close Xojo. Open the test project by double-clicking on the project name in an open folder on Windows.
  6. Mouse click TCPSocket1 with the SMTPSecureSocket subclass and many more behavior options are available (such as SMTPConnectionMode, etc.)

Is there some way to refresh the control so that a restart of Xojo is not needed?? Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

just close the window with the control and reopen it from the navigator.

Thank you!
