I’m not saying they are good ideas, I’m saying they are the ONLY ideas anyone has put forward on how to make Xojo better.
It is easy to be a critic
I’m not saying they are good ideas, I’m saying they are the ONLY ideas anyone has put forward on how to make Xojo better.
It is easy to be a critic
As did I (though I mostly fixed errors and added examples to the documentation - see http://documentation.xojo.com/index.php/Introspection as an example).
However I still think with the new framework coming up (which requires updating all the examples anyway) now would be a good time to improve on the quality of the examples (and that includes documentation).
If you shunt discussion with remarks like that, it’s no point to participate.
About making Xojo examples better, when you throw in the idea of a contest between developers with peer judgement about coding and documentation quality, you miss the essential point that people who contribute examples usually do not necessarily do it to obtain a certificate of coding style and documentation excellence. Not all examples are made by Xojo engineers, and members who share their code often do it by generosity, to contribute to the community. Now I can only speak for myself, but when I do that, I often post it “as is”, with minimal documentation. But I did share quite a number of things, that I would not have if I have had to abundantly comment the code and come up with a complete documentation.
Complete documentation alone is for most developers a painful step taken only as a must for commercialization.
The best way to make examples better, IMHO, is for anybody who improved on them, would that be by bettering the code or writing an improved documentation, to pass that to Paul Lefebvre for future inclusion.
[quote=184591:@Michel Bujardet][/quote]
Responded privately.