Dim MyPointer As Ptr = Pointer (MyNewInst) => How to do that ?
Dim v as variant
v = MyNewInst
Dim MyPointer as Ptr = v.PtrValue
does not work either
The reason why I need it : I need a COM IDispatch Interface associated with MyNewInst
Dim disp As New COM.IDispatch (MyPointer)
I tried this, but it is obviously wrong :
Dim mTest as MemoryBlock = COM.RBVariantToVARIANT (MyNewInst, true)
Dim pTest as Ptr = mTest
Dim disp As New COM.IDispatch (pTest)
HRESULT Paste (VARIANT *pVar, long Format );
The IDataObject to paste. However, the contents of the clipboard are used if any of the following are true.
pVar is null
pVar punkVal is null
pVar is not VT_UNKNOWN
pVar punkVal does not return an IDataObject when queried for one
What means punkVal ?