How to get multiple rows from mysql?

The code i wrote should give you your nice multidimensional array. There are pros and cons to this. The pros are it is easy to work with in code. The con, and it can be major, is that it requires all the information from your query being stored in your apps memory. If your results is 10 rows, yay. If it is 10 million, you might have problems. The Php classes you are using wrap up the database query classes for you so you do not have to work with recordsets. Xojo gives you lower level objects to work with and it is up to you to handle that data.

Your best best is leave the data in the database…
I don’t use mySQL via Xojo, but SQLite has OFFSET and LIMIT arguments (so I assume mySQL does as well)
which allow you to jump to a particular record (it may not be as fast as you want, since with SQLite it has to move to the record each time)

but again… without knowing your destination, we can’t help you plan the journey… until then we are “guessing”…

[quote=372665:@Dave S]this DOES work

Dim data as RecordSet

data = DAO.GetAllProjects()

if data <> Nil Then
  While Not data.EOF
End if

assuming GETALLPROJECTS returns a populated recordset[/quote]

Sorry, somehow between my first comments after I made a couple changes my sql server was malfunctioning and I just had to restart (though I was initially doing things wrong anyway). Thanks … HAHA!

Thanks, somehow after my initial comments my sql server started malfunctioning and giving me no results … Ooops! Thanks