How To Debug Arrays

The only way I know of to get breakpoints is to manually change all the code to use the different functions associated with an array, for example append. What is the best technique for debugging arrays to get a breakpoint for whenever that array is accessed?


“whenever”? you mean like “watch” in VB?
Xojo has no such a thing

[quote=296924:@Dave S]“whenever”? you mean like “watch” in VB?
Xojo has no such a thing[/quote]
So I am to manually find each access of the array?

Possibly you could temporarily replace the array with an object that acts like an array using Operator methods. The class needs to be instantiated though.

Hmm, this won’t work too well if you pass the array around a lot, then there’s all those types to change.

[quote=296932:@Will Shank]Possibly you could temporarily replace the array with an object that acts like an array using Operator methods. The class needs to be instantiated though.

Hmm, this won’t work too well if you pass the array around a lot, then there’s all those types to change.[/quote]
Sounds too manual to do IMO. I was mainly wondering how people approach debugging like this? Is it just a load of manual work?

Oliver… remember it a computer… besides… nothing compilicated.

where you create the array… comment it out…
create the object Will suggested, and create IT as your array instead.
no need to touch any of the rest of your code.

I think you have enough experience to know what the class object should be

Dim arrayInQuestion() as String
// Dim arrayInQuestion() as String
Dim arrayInQuestion() as TestClass 

[quote=296969:@Dave S]Oliver… remember it a computer… besides… nothing compilicated.

where you create the array… comment it out…
create the object Will suggested, and create IT as your array instead.
no need to touch any of the rest of your code.

I think you have enough experience to know what the class object should be

Dim arrayInQuestion() as String

// Dim arrayInQuestion() as String Dim arrayInQuestion() as TestClass [/quote]
Ah, I see. Thanks