How to debug a stop in the session close thread?

I’m using showurl(another site) to end a WE session, but my project stops in the SessionShutDownThread.

How do I debug this? I tried resuming looking for the error message, but none was displayed.

Perhaps it’s not a problem as it doesn’t manifest itself in the built article.

it might be locking up in the debug version due to timing. Once it is built the timings are better and doesn’t lock up on you. I have had some issues like this happen to me before. Debug version has issues but built one doesn’t.

[quote=208512:@Wayne Golding]I’m using showurl(another site) to end a WE session, but my project stops in the SessionShutDownThread.

How do I debug this? I tried resuming looking for the error message, but none was displayed.[/quote]
Please file a bug report. We’ve probably got an exception in there that’s not being handled properly in debug mode.

Is there a possibility to debug this now? Have the same symptoms with r4.1. Don’ t know, where to start - didn’t have the problems in previous versions (I think its some problem occured due to version upgrade from r3 or r4 to r4.1)

It could be. The session shutdown mechanism was refactored to reduce the possibility of exceptions occurring in places you cannot see.

Do you have a stack trace?

Hey Greg,

Entire stack says: Event Loop
Nothing else

Manually I can extract Callers and both Callees: MainThread -> SessionShutdownThread ->_HTTPServer.HTTPRequestThread

MainThread has entries eg:
CurrentThread : _HTTPServer.HTTPRequestThread
execdir: empty

Callees have no entries:
SessionShutdownTrhead: empty
_HTTPServer.HTTPRequestThread : empty

Thx in advance

Just out of curiosity… does this only happen when you are debugging?

Oh, yes, indeed it does only happen when I’m debugging.

Well, if you have a project that reliably reproduces this condition, make a feedback report. I’d love to see it in action.

Hello again,

I’m not sure how to post this bug - since I got no more output than this allready reported above - will this be sufficient informations?
Additionally the feedback software does not runder under any of my SuSe versions - only under windows… And I’m not allowed to post the whole project for bug report.
Is there a way to create some kind of backtrace?

Ah, I’ve overseen this message in terminal when executing Xojo: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory[RB] Unable to load plugin OraclePlugin.xojo_plugin
RBLibrary.CheckForPluginChanges 6 - needsToRecompile = true

I’ll see if there may be some connection.

[quote=313370:@G. Deppendorf]Ah, I’ve overseen this message in terminal when executing Xojo: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory[RB] Unable to load plugin OraclePlugin.xojo_plugin
RBLibrary.CheckForPluginChanges 6 - needsToRecompile = true

I’ll see if there may be some connection.[/quote]
I doubt it. The web framework has no instances of any databases in it.

I don’t want your whole project, but if you could make a copy and trim as much out as you can while still being able to have the debugger stop at that place, that would be most helpful.

Thank you very much for your help!

I’ll work on this in the next week and post it in the fb-system.



I tried to get the program run - randomly deleting parts of the program isn’t the salvation for now…

Can I get somehow more debug messages? I mean, I don’t get to the first line of code before the error appears and the shutdown is called (The open-function of the implicit webPage).

Edit: Ah, my intention: If I want to fill a bug report I think I’ld to have more information than “This does not work ;)”
