I know that web apps dont share the same event structure than Desktop apps, and some times the server/network is not fast enought to manage events in real time. For example, having this code in a container, when the event is raised, that container is hided and another is shown with the info about the item selected:
Sub WebListBox.CellClick(Row As Integer, Column As Integer)
Dim Var1 As Integer = MyWebList.RowTag(Row).IntegerValue
RaiseEvent MyEvent(Var1)
End Sub
However, if the page is not responding fast enought, the user may click twice or more times on the list. The second click causes an error because the first one already deleted all the Rows.
There are some FeedBack Cases requesting for Autodisable or Add running JavaScript before Event Handler, as old as 4 years, but none masrked as fixed.
ANy idea on how to “AutoDisable” The Weblistbox WITHOUT the roundtrip to the server?