I have a few custom contextual menu options in my listbox for managing rows.
I’d like to have the regular cut, copy, and paste for when a cell is in edit mode, but I don’t want two sets of cut, copy, and paste in the menu.
Is there a way to switch to the default contextual menu (the one that pops up by default when right clicking in textfields) when a cell is in edit mode?
Now, that being said, I wasn’t making the whole column editable before, just the cell, so I had to add code to turn the whole column editable in order for this to work. I wasn’t able to figure out the condition for this at a row level. I tried many things, but the syntax was never right. For my own edification, what is the “row” equivalent of:
if me.ColumnTypeAt(0)=DesktopListbox.CellTypes.TextField then