How do I trap a click in a ListBox Cell that have a CheckBox ?

I added a CheckBox in ListBox.Column(2) that is meant to download the object whose URL is in Column(0).

I wasted 20 minutes thinking, trying to recall, reading the docs ([LOCAL]), ect., but I totally forgot how to trap the user’s Mouse Click in the CheckBox that is in a ListBox.

Help is deeply asked.

The CellClick event.


thank you. And it seems logical after all. This day may not be a good day for me to code…

il y a des jours comme ça … :wink:


After some minutes, I was able to add the download code, but a download (many) attempts on a slow web server failed. However, I tried a download on a fast (very fast) web server and it worked.

I have to check Xojo code to know if there is/are some property(ies) to change to get the file correctly.

Nota: the files are downloading correctly when I use FireFox. I wanted to be able to get the files directly from the list of URLs I display in the ListBox.