Sorry in advance for the verbal diarrhea, but won’t be posting for a long time I expect. I can’t imagine what its like for a complete noobie.
Thanks, I’ve compiled so many times, I’m sure I would not have missed to set it to linux - arm32. I followed the example in I kept pausing it but the screen shots never quite matched what I got.
I got the remote debugger unzipped on the pi, then did a build making sure linux - arm 32 was selected and it gave me ‘windows can’t do remote debug’, and ‘can’t link to …’ Gave up with remote debug. I have transferred a few hello type apps to the pi desktop folder with Filezilla - not the highest build folder, but the one that contains the lib folder and the app itself.
Double cliking the folder opened the filemanager went to the app and tried to start the app. It kept asking me what I wanted to open it with. I right cliked the app and changed all the permissions properties to ANYONE. Then it aks me if I want to execute it and it works. Yesterday I got to a permissins dialog that allowed me to set it as an executable file (none of the ‘who’ permissions - but don’t seem to able to get there again.
Why doesn’t xojo set it to an app tso that it can be run just by clicking it on the pi. - it’s an app; why do I have to set the who permissions?
This all makes me mad. 6 month ago when I first got the pi and xojo, I created an app to play an mp4 file on the pi in about 15-30 minutes. I used a thumb drive to port the app to the pi, but can’t rember if I moved it to the pi SD card. I’m sure all I would have done was double click the app in the file manager. I don’t remember changing permissions, but maybe I did.
Anyway thanks, guys. I’ll just bang on through it all. I am completely self taught, program in a few languages, started in the late 70’s in assembler on an intel 8080 - no forums or internet with tutorial videos back then. My first program (in self taught 8080 assembler) ran about 100 dedicated processes handling 60 telephone lines, 64 didital recorders, and 18 transmitters (the world’s first uP based radio paging machine - for old fashioned belt worn beepers). I wrote the very simple OS to execute as a dedicated function interpreter. It ran at 300Khz due the 3 x 3 foot busses, but still managed to I/F to 5 dumb serial terminals (with their own apps like searching the 1MB ram database, and real time traffic displays) and service all the hardware I/O sequentially in a 1/30 of a second loop. All in 48K of program space and 16K data.
I’ve avoided Linux like the plague, but just could not resist the Pi for cost effective control applications. There are problems with its I2C and header serial port and I’m planning to do a bit banging I2C driver just using the digital pin I/O of wiringpi.
I hate Linux … but Xojo is great, just a lot of advances to get my head around from VB3 25 years ago.