XOJO 2013 R3.3
MBS 16.1
UBUNTU 11.04 (libudev installed)
I cannot get HIDAPIDeviceMBS.Open to open a USB device on Ubuntu 11.04.
[code]Function DeviceOpen() As Boolean
dim m_device As HIDAPIDeviceMBS
// init
if HIDAPIDeviceMBS.Init <> 0 then
Return FALSE //failed to initialize
end if
// Open the device using the VID, PID,
// and optionally the Serial number.
m_device = HIDAPIDeviceMBS.Open(VENDOR_ID, PRODUCT_ID, “”)
if not IsOpen() then
Return FALSE //failed to open
Return TRUE
End Function[/code]
The device does enumerate. m_device is NIL after call to Open. It works perfectly on Mac. VENDOR_ID and PRODUCT_ID are both correct.
Could someone please try to open a device and confirm it does not work on Linux??