Help with console app dimensioning

Hello all,

For some reason, this code has started to fail yielding an out of bounds exception.
Here’s the code:

The class clsSendTwilioBuffer contains no methods, only 7 properties; most are string, but some are integer.

Private Property SendTwilioBuffer(-1) As clsSendTwilioBuffer

In the Constructor of the same class:

 SendTwilioBuffer(-1) = New clsSendTwilioBuffer

This used to work (sorry I don’t recall the Xojo version). In 2023r3.1 and 2023R4 it gives the out of bounds exception.

What am I doing wrong??


SendTwilioBuffer(-1) is an array?

Hello Andrew

Yes, it is. I just tried changing the Property from (-1) to (0) and the same with the instantiation. That worked. But not sure why!


That should never have worked. Do you mean to add a new element to the array? That would be

SendTwilioBuffer.Add New clsSendTwilioBuffer

Hi Tim,

I wanted the array to be empty to start, then add to the array. Once the work has been done with the values in the array, I remove them one at a time. That was the reason behind using (-1).

Obviously that did not work as planned!

Tangential to the main topic, this is not necessarily invalid Xojo syntax. If the class had an Operator_Convert() As ClassName() method, for example.

Class FooBar
    Public Function Operator_Convert() As FooBar()
End Class

Dim foos() As FooBar = New FooBar 

But this is more of a syntactical parlor trick than a useful design pattern.

Hi Andrew,

No such parlor tricks here…

Thanks for your response!

I wanted the array to be empty to start

maybe try

Private Property SendTwilioBuffer() As clsSendTwilioBuffer
