Help with AppleEvent please


Using macOS Mojave Version 10.14.2 on Mac mini (Late 2014), 3 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 with Xojo Version 2018 Release 4
I have read this…

and I have tried the following…

dim ae As AppleEvent
ae=newAppleEvent("misc", "slct", "MACS")
ae.folderitemparam("----") =

if not ae.send then
MsgBox "Finder not running."

ae = newAppleEvent("misc", "actv", "MACS")   // the folderitem is not highlighted in its parent folder
'ae=newAppleEvent("misc", "mvis", "MACS")   // the folderitem is not highlighted in its parent folder

if not ae.send then
MsgBox "Finder not running."
'MsgBox "Finder is running."   // if this is uncommented the msgbox is displayed indicating "Finder is running."
ae.folderitemparam("----") =
'MsgBox   // if this is uncommented the msgbox is displayed indicating the correct
end if

'   // if this is uncommented the correct is launched
end if

Any help/suggestions as to why the folderitem is not highlighted in its parent folder?



Didn’t I read somewhere that AppleEvent processing was now restricted in someway with Mojave for “Security” reasons?

That link you posted is over 9 years old

10 seconds of research goes a long way

Thanks Dave, wasn’t aware that AppleEvent processing is now restricted in someway with Mojave for “Security” reasons.

So, is there another way to show a folderitems in the finder?

Thanks again.


updated my response

Hi Dave,

I don’t know what is meant by “updated by response”, kindly explain.



@Lennox Jacob — Yes, you can use declares. It is not complicated but long. Just give me some time

[quote=420731:@Lennox Jacob]Hi Dave,

I don’t know what is meant by “updated by response”, kindly explain.


I mean I added more to my response since you read it… including a possible solution

@Lennox Jacob — OK, this works in Sierra and should also work in Mojave:

[code]const cocoa = “Cocoa.framework”

declare function NSClassFromString lib cocoa (name as CFStringRef) as Ptr
declare function sharedWorkspace lib cocoa selector “sharedWorkspace” (id as Ptr) as Ptr
declare function selectFile lib Cocoa selector “selectFile:inFileViewerRootedAtPath:” (id as Ptr, fullPath as CFStringRef, rootedAtPath as CFStringRef) as Boolean

dim ws as Ptr = NSClassFromString( “NSWorkspace” )
dim sws as Ptr = sharedWorkspace( ws )

dim path as String = “/full/path/to/file”

if NOT selectFile( sws, path, path ) then
beep //Error
end if[/code]

Thanks Stphane Mons, works well.

Will try Dave’s suggestion/method later.

Thanks again Stphane & Dave.
