Help please: Drag some text into that Textfield (on Mac)

I have a textField on a modal window, I would like to drag some text into that Textfield (on Mac).
How can I do that.

If I add a menubar to the window i can use the keyboard shortcut Command-V or I can select Paste from the Edit Menu and that works fine.



Give a look here:

[quote=23151:@Lennox Jacob]I have a textField on a modal window, I would like to drag some text into that Textfield (on Mac).
How can I do that.

Just add the textField to the window. As long as you haven’t set textField.ReadOnly=True it will accept dropped text automatically.

This has always been the case as far as I know. What are you experiencing?

Thanks for the replies.

What I am experiencing is this…

I have a modal window (MySharewareWindow) that is instantiated so that the user can enter a serial number in a textField (TextField1) if certain conditions are met.

If i use app.gGetSharewareStatus to instantiate MySharewareWindow in the event I cannot drag and drop text to TextField1 but if app.gGetSharewareStatus is placed in a timer and fired on the open event of the main window it will.

I am trying to find out why but i just can’t so I have to place it in a timer and fire it in the open event of the main window.

I am OK with that.

Thanks again.


Did you try to run that in a document window and see what happens ?

This sounds like a bug. We should isolate the details at play here.

Are you displaying the dialog using window.ShowModal?


I made an app to show the problem…
it can be downloaded from .
