Help! Crash after windows update (SQLiteDatabase.dll BUG)

It’s just that a windows update wouldn’t have any affect on sqlitedatabase.dll. It has to be filesystem related. Unless there’s another sqlitedatabase.dll in the search path. What happens if you rename sqlitedatabase.dll? Can you still launch the app?

I’d tend to disagree since the purpose of SQLiteDatabase.dll is almost exclusively related to file access.

I’m saying that a windows update wouldn’t change the sqlitedatabase.dll in your app libs folder. But it could affect file access related to the database file itself. Or it could change a system-supplied sqlitedatabase.dll (I don’t know if such a thing exists).

I wonder what happens if you put break points on each of the sqlselect, sqlexecute lines and run in the debugger? When you hit one of those break points single step.

If the code doesn’t crash right there & then it’s unlikely its that code, however I notice that one of your methods returns a DatabaseField - If the db closes and you try to use that returned value after that you are very likely going to crash as that item is tied to the underlying db - which is now closed.

For clarification the SQLiteDatabase.dll is and Xojo framework dll that is copied into the lib folder when the app is built. So no the update didn’t change the dll file but it obviously affected the way it works.

Hmm… It’s never been a problem before. But even if that is the issue I would think I should get an exception.

All the returned values are used instantly like this:

MyWindow.Width = Setting("WindowWidth").IntegerValue

Also my app opens the connection and doesn’t close it until the app quits.

As I stated above I can’t do that because of all the activity going on (so many things going on I could never do the steps that actually make it crash, because I’d always be hitting break points - timer actions and so forth). I could perhaps find out with a debug log.