I’m running into a problem that I can’t get my head around and I hope that someone has seen this before and can help with some suggestions.
Here’s a some background: What I’ve got is a canvas control that has a width of 800 and a height of 700 and a vertical scrollbar alongside the canvas of the same height. I’ve drawn several REALbasic.Rect controls. The Rect controls can only be dragged vertically and when any are dragged, the rest remain the same distance apart - so far this all works as expected.
Here’s where I’m having the trouble. Let’s say I have three Rect controls at Y coordinates of 100, 250 and 400. If I drag the Rect at Y-100 down to the bottom of the visible canvas, I increase the height of the canvas by the 700 pixels that I’ve drug it and the other two Rects are repositioned accordingly within the resized canvas. Now if I use the scrollbar to scroll the canvas down and get the original Rect which was at Y-400 in approximately the same visual position and try to drag that Rect - no dragging occurs with my existing code. What I’m having the trouble understanding is that the MouseDrag event is firing twice. I’m converting the X,Y values passed into the event into a Point and what I’m seeing is that the first time the MouseDrag fires Y is 400’ish and the second time MouseDrag fires Y is 131000’ish. What I expected was only one MouseDrag to fire and that the Y value would be 1200’ish since my canvas was resized from a height of 800 to 1500 by the first drag.
Any ideas?