Hard pause after pressing key while using auto complete

Does anyone else have the IDE hang for a second or two after hitting a key while the auto complete window is open?

I have had this issue where whenever I go to use the autocomplete it will sometimes (20-30% of the time) pause when a key is pressed. Specifically, the arrow keys to select the next item in the list or enter to insert the current item. I have a top of the line M1 Macbook Pro but this has been a behaviour for as long as I can remember. It makes the IDE feel unnecessarily slow and ends up with me tripping over myself as I can type a lot in the second or two it takes for it to catch up.

I am a bit confused as to why it might be hanging as it already has the autocomplete popup open and populated, all it needs to do is move the selected item or insert it into the code editor. It does not seem to be an issue if I wait for a while after the auto complete dialog is open but at that point I might as well just type it myself.

Any ideas or similar experiences before I submit a feedback case would be great.

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Are you using the latest version of Xojo?

I’m using 2024.1.1 on macOS 14.5 with an M1 MacBook Air, and don’t see this behaviour.

I mainly do Desktop apps and things are pretty snappy for me. But, maybe it’s a different story for Web or Mobile projects?

Thanks for the response, I am using the latest version (2024r1.1). I do mainly desktop apps as well, seems to be worse the larger a project gets.

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We might be having the same issue, I’m using a Macbook with M1 Pro too, mostly iOS projects.

Do you get the same kind of pauses when cutting a line of code?
Or when selecting an entire line of code with cmd+shift+arrow?

The worst hangs I get are when searching the project, Xojo can beachball for 3 or more seconds.


It seems to only be when I am using auto complete, all other text actions appear to be smooth. I don’t usually see a beachball.

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Yes, and overall the interface seems to become a little more sluggish as I keep making edits, I am guessing that the ability to undo and redo changes results in more and more data being written to a pagefile and it becomes large enough to cause delays?

Usually when I save and quit the IDE, wait a minute or so, and re-open the IDE, things are in good working order until the next time I need to close the IDE for sluggishness.

I did not have this issue until 2024r1.1, the previous release did not have this issue.