HandleURL Problem


Just having a small problem here, am I just missing something glaring obvious please?

Posted the below code verbatim from the Xojo manual into my web application event App.HandleURL

Running locally the code works fine as it should

When uploaded to the Xojo Cloud and tested, it doesn’t appear to work and I get the response below;

Not Found
The requested URL /TheSoilSearchers-Dev/test was not found on this server.

Any ideas people?

Code placed in App.HandleURL

// Don’t override an empty request, or a session won’t start.
If Request.Path <> “” Then
// First, create the HTML answer
Request.Print “”
Request.Print "Oops! You took a wrong turn. "
Request.Print “Please put it in reverse and try again.”
Request.Print “”

// Set the status code. The default value is 404,
// but if you leave it that way, some browsers
// will show their own. A value of 200 will make
// the browser show your text instead.
Request.Status = 200

// You MUST return True if you want to override the output.
Return True
End If

Try sending it something to work with just for the sake of testing using the ? before your query string
The requested URL /TheSoilSearchers-Dev/?test=true&somethingelse=false

Dim S,T as string
Dim U,i as Integer

Dim RequestName, RequestValue as string
Dim ParamDictionary as Dictionary = New Dictionary

S = Request.QueryString
U = CountFields(S,"&")
For i = 1 to U
T = NthField(S,"&",i)
RequestName = NthField(T,"=",1)
RequestValue = NthField(T,"=",2)
ParamDictionary.value(RequestName) = RequestValue

If ParamDictionary.HasKey(“test”) then
S = ParamDictionary.Value(“test”)
S = DecodeURLComponent(S)

If S = “true” then
Request.Print(“This is the response you asked for ?”)
Return true
End if
End if

Hi Barney,

I’m not trying to pass any parameters to this event as per your example;
“The requested URL /TheSoilSearchers-Dev/?test=true&somethingelse=false”

The code in this event should create a custom response to a page not found result, so passing parameters in this case is a non-event.



You need to include the index.cgi part:


[quote]Hi Greg,

Perfect, working ok now.

Many thanks for your help.

