HandleSpecialURL or HandleURL for RESTful web service

is there any difference between HandleSpecialURL and HandleURL when used for handling web service calls? The documentation for HandleSpecialURL mentions, that calls are threaded and that it is suitable for web services, while the HandleURL documentation doesn’t mention anything similar. Is there any difference?

[quote=395813:@Jan Kratky]Hello,
is there any difference between HandleSpecialURL and HandleURL when used for handling web service calls? The documentation for HandleSpecialURL mentions, that calls are threaded and that it is suitable for web services, while the HandleURL documentation doesn’t mention anything similar. Is there any difference?
There’s no technical difference under the hood except that HandleURL gives you a wider variety of root urls.

Thanks for the clarification Greg.


I’m intrigued to know how the mechanics of Handlepecialurl works in terms of handling multiple, simultaneous requests.

E.g. what happens if 200 clients all send a request at the same time?
How does the handler “handle” this scenario?

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