Hi there! I’ve been using the web framework for a project the past couple of days.
I noticed that someone completely and totally forgot (or neglected) to add v-algin to WebStyle
For anyone searching in the future, here’s how you hack a WebLabel
into having v-algin: bottom.
Sub Shown() Handles Shown
// Because someone forgot v-align in WebStyles
dim sJavascript as String = "var oParagraphNode = document.getElementById('" + me.ControlID + "').firstElementChild.firstChild;" + _
"oParagraphNode.parentNode.style.display = 'table';" + _
"oParagraphNode.parentNode.style.height = '100%';" + _
"oParagraphNode.style.display = 'table-cell';" + _
"oParagraphNode.style.height = '100%';" + _
"oParagraphNode.style.verticalAlign = 'bottom';"
End Sub