Graphic Driver info

Hey there :slight_smile:

a little questen here, is it possible to collect information about the graphic driver in windows with xojo?

Greetings Sascha

Dim s As Shell s = New Shell s.Execute("wmic path win32_VideoController get") System.DebugLog(s.Result)

Use wmic path win32_VideoController get /? on the command line to get the full list if you don’t want to parse the output.

For example, this will just get the card’s name:

Dim s As Shell s = New Shell s.Execute("wmic path win32_VideoController get name") System.DebugLog(s.Result)

Do this if you want a key-value pair list:

Dim s As Shell s = New Shell s.Execute("wmic path win32_VideoController get /value") System.DebugLog(s.Result)