Good luck with the elections

Good luck to the US citizens with their elections.

Looks like it is going to be a tight race between Trump and Clinton…

And remember it’s not about who you like, but who you really want to have in office making decisions for you.

Reading may help. Like reading Clinton’s emails or reading about Trump’s lawsuits, bankruptcies and investigations.

And remember it is not a two party system.

May you get the president you want and deserve!

Voting clinton or trump would be like choosing between pest and cholera … good luck to all =-O

The American idiom is “between Psoriasis and Eczema”. And, small detail, people will also vote for their representatives, and tons of other things. It is not like European elections.

Oh, we often vote for State parliament, EU parliament and local major on the same date. That happens.

Sure, but often enough, there are propositions that are pretty much the equivalent of votations in Switzerland, for instance in California they will decide if marijuana should be legalized for recreational purposes. So voters end up with voting forms that have 20 items or more, with the presidential candidates on top, and a long laundry list following.

Just remember that no matter who wins, they won’t have as much effect on your life as the people around you, your family and friends.

Life will go on! :slight_smile:

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.

my candidate is not on the ballet so my chances are pretty slim.

The ballot here in San Diego is the longest one in quite some time. Normally it is one sheet (both sides). this time it is TWO sheets, and I believe there are WAY more than 20 items on it

Best luck & choose correct one…!

I heard 17 on TV minutes ago (this will take long time to do…)/

17 California STATE items, this does not count the Federal items (such as President), nor the San Diego City items (of which there are at least 18 more)… So that is a minimum of 36 items. :slight_smile:

Doh !

That’s called multiple choice…eh…eh…i believe. :wink:

Listening to this morning news podcast on the CBC and its about the election
And the background music is, of course, The Rolling Stones “You can’t always get what you want” :stuck_out_tongue:

Clinton will win with a big advantange, I also think it’s highly probable Trump is controlled opposition due to the large episodes of him trying so hard to be to least likeable contestant.

Well, I always look at who supports each candidate. Like with Brexit: Trump, Putin, Islamic State ALL supported Brexit. Should be enough to make you think, but sadly Homo sapiens is anything but.

[quote=297342:@Norman Palardy]Listening to this morning news podcast on the CBC and its about the election
And the background music is, of course, The Rolling Stones “You can’t always get what you want” :P[/quote]
Was it followed by Barry McGuire’s “Eve of Destruction” and/or REM’s “It’s The End Of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)”?